Discover how the numbers of your birth date and the letters of your name create a blueprint for your life and how they can reveal your strengths and weaknesses.
Join Debbie for an interesting and fun workshop exploring the basics of numerology. The use of numbers has fast become a practical means of shining a light on the various issues and aspects of our lives providing us with a readily available tool to work with. Discover how your own personal numbers can help point you in the direction of your destiny, helping you to meet with and overcome challenges to realise your potential. Understanding the meanings behind the numbers can also help you to appreciate where others are coming from and what makes them tick, promoting better relationships. Learn how a fundamental understanding of numerology can increase your awareness, helping you to capitalise on your strengths, and how it may help to overcome your weaknesses.
During the workshop, Debbie will explain the energies and meanings behind each of the numbers and together we will work out each person’s core numbers. We will also be looking at the numerological forecasting cycles and will work out where everyone is within those cycles. This will help us to get the best from the number of the particular year that we are in. We will also be looking at other ways of applying the use of numbers in our lives.
By the end of the workshop you will be armed with useful information and techniques that can be applied productively to enhance your life.
Dates of future online workshops will be posted on this page.
Want to enquire about hosting a numerology workshop for a group? Use the contact form below.
If you want to know more about having a reading with Debbie, booking a workshop, or something else, please get in touch.
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Your Year Ahead Reading will give you a 12-month forecast that will help you to understand where to focus your energy each month, from relationships to career and your health.