A life-long learner, wellbeing advocate, Libra sun, Sagittarius rising and Sagittarius moon. My passion has always been to connect with people and help them to get the best out of themselves. Living on the South Coast of England, I have spent the last 20+ years offering holistic healing therapies across Europe.
Let’s start with my first love and the first element of my holistic self-help toolkit: numerology. My love of numbers started when I was a child, often writing coded messages in numbers. Was this a glimpse into the future? This interest was reignited in 2005 when I stumbled across a series of numerology books, teaching the reader to unlock substantial personal growth through the ancient wisdom of numerology.
After years of self-teaching, I attended the Connaissance School of Numerology in Hertfordshire from 2013 to 2014. There I completed a foundation course, followed by a professional course in Esoteric Numerology, and was awarded the diploma of the Connaissance School of Numerology. I have given readings and taught several workshops across Europe, enabling people to understand the wonderful gift of numerology, and how it can be applied as a self-help tool to get the best out of life.
Over the years I have also studied a range of holistic fields and physical therapies, including massage, reflexology, nutrition, palmistry, tarot, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and life coaching. Greater than the sum of their parts, the last two decades have ignited my desire to bring together spiritual practices to create a cosmic coaching experience.
I am, in short, fascinated by people. I have always been captivated by psychology and philosophy, and am passionate about helping people to find happiness.
Connaissance School of Numerology
EOS Seminars
EOS Seminars
EOS Seminars
Christchurch Adult Education Centre
Barbara Cox
Distinction, Christchurch Adult Education Centre
Olivia Ranger
Yellow House
Helen Howell
Lansdowne College
Lansdowne College
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